The European Union in the World Europakommisjonens delegasjon til Norge og Island
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“Shifts in European security structures  - What does this mean for the EU and Norway?”





Friday 2 December 2005, 0830-1300

Oslo Militære Samfund, Myntgaten 3


Jointly organised by the British Embassy, the European Commission Delegation to Norway and Iceland and the

Norwegian Atlantic Committee



0830:           Registration and coffee

0850:           Opening remarks by Percy Westerlund, Ambassador of the European Commission to Norway and Iceland

0900:           Opening address by State Secretary Espen Barth Eide; Norway’s security challenges and the European security and defence policy”

0920:           Mr Jim Cloos, Director, EU Council Secretariat; “The achievements and challenges of the EU's foreign and security policy”

0940:           Mr Lars-Erik Lundin, Acting Director CFSP, ESDP and Deputy political director, European Commission; “What are the tools in dealing with the new security challenges; the Community contribution to the EU foreign and security policy?”

1000:           Coffee break

1020:           Sir Brian Crowe, Chatham House, former Director General for External and Politico-Military affairs, EU Council Secretariat “ESDP and the transatlantic alliance - complementing or competing roles?”

1040:           Nina Græger, researcher, NUPI; “Norwegian security and defence policy between NATO, the EU and the US”

1100:           Comments by former State Secretary Vidar Helgesen and MP Morten Høglund

1115-1250:   Discussion. Responses to panel, questions from the floor

1250:           Closing remarks by Mariot Leslie, British Ambassador

1300:           End of conference


Please register your participation with Gro Kolstad Mortvedt on email: or tel: 22 40 36 05 by Tuesday 29 Nov.