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The Challenges of Energy Shortages and Climate Change:
- What Role for Trade Policy?

Keynote speaker: Peter Mandelson, European Commissioner for Trade

Friday 9 February, 09:30 - 11:30 

Oslo Militære Samfund - Festsalen Myntgaten 3, Oslo  

Jointly organised by the European Commission Delegation to Norway and Iceland and the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise    


09:00 - 09:30 Registration and coffee.
09:30 - 09:45 Keynote speech by European Commissioner Peter Mandelson.
09:45 - 11:30 Panel discussion, followed by questions from audience.  

Mr Erling Øverland, President of the NHO Mr
Geir Isaksen, CEO of Cermaq
Mr John G. Thuestad, President and CEO of Elkem

Moderator: Mr Percy Westerlund, Ambassador and Head of Delegation of the European Commission to Norway and Iceland


Registration to  or 22 83 35 83 by Monday 5 February

Seats are limited!

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