Greetings from the Ambassador Dear Visitor, Welcome to the homepage of the Delegation of the European Commission to Norway and Iceland. The English version has limited content, but our sites in Norwegian and Icelandic are frequently updated and provide a great deal of information about the European Union in each of the two languages. The EU enjoys good and broad relationships with both Norway and Iceland. The Agreement on the European Economic Area is at the core of our relations. According to this Agreement, Norway and Iceland participate fully in the EU Internal Market, establishing free movement of goods, capital, services and people with the sole exception of the fishery and the agricultural sectors. In addition, Norway and Iceland are associated members of the Schengen Agreement, allowing for travel without a passport within the Schengen area, involving 25 European countries. Furthermore, Norway and Iceland participate in Europol, several European agencies and a large number of cooperation programmes. There is vivid interest in European issues in Norway, culminating once in a while in reflections about the implications of EU membership. It is of course up to the Norwegians and nobody else to decide whether to join the European Union or not. Nevertheless, I believe it is of high significance that the Norwegian public could follow developments in the EU, regardless of views on the membership issue itself. Concerning Iceland, it is clear that after the decision to apply for membership in the EU, Icelanders will follow with growing interest the ensuing process. It is therefore essential for this Delegation to provide regular, genuine and precise information about the European Union and the work of the European Commission to both the Norwegian and the Icelandic public. This is why we are ready and willing to give presentations in both countries and receive groups here at the Delegation. This is why we put forward the present website. Thank you for visiting our site. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any comments or questions. Your feedback is very much appreciated as we constantly strive to improve our services.
Role of the Delegation in Norway The Delegation of the European Commission in Oslo is one of more than 130 diplomatic representations of the European Commission around the world. Although the delegations are a part of the Commission structure, in practice they serve the interests of the EU throughout the world. The Delegation in Oslo was founded in 1987 and is responsible for the official relations between the European Commission and Norway and Iceland respectively. The delegation analyses and reports on policies and developments in Norway and Iceland. An important role of the Delegation is to provide information about the EU institutions and policies. The Delegation publishes electronic newsletters and magazines, both in Norwegian and Icelandic, with the latest up-to-date information on EU policies and current affairs. To subscribe please contact us on the following address: europakommisjonen@ec.europa.eu. A list of all our free publications can be found on our homepage. The
Delegation also has a homepage especially designed for young people:
www.EUng.no (NO)
or www.esb.is/ung
(IS). The Delegation frequently publishes brochures in Norwegian dealing with specific topics. Brochures in Danish and English from the Commission in Brussels are also available, free of charge.
Students, researchers, teachers and others who wish to access official documents
from the EU should contact the European Information Centres General information about the EU and all official documents can be found on the Europa-server on: http://europa.eu |